Finished a dotee which is going to a very special lady. I just hope she likes it. I've called her English Rose, as I'm a UK artist.
I used a porcelain rose bead, and metal rose beads along the bottom of the doll. The crotchet lace, i dyed with acrylic paint.

Next on the 'finished' list is one of the paintings which im putting forward to the exhibition i'll be doing in April. Just got a feeling the owner of the gallery isn't going to like these. If he doesn't like them, then i don't think i'll bother doing the exhibition, cos i really don't want to be painting stuff i don't like. we'll see. It won't be the end of the world. I could always put it up for a swap lol.
It's an acrylic painting on a canvas 12" x 12", which is a bit small for me, but wanted to try out concept.
It's an acrylic painting on a canvas 12" x 12", which is a bit small for me, but wanted to try out concept.
Hi Margaret! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope you soon get over this horrible bug that's going about. I'll be back to have a look round your blog after my hols. I like your painting on this post so I hope the gallery does too. :)
Margaret - love your picture,hope the gallery man does - maureen x
Your dotee's are so lovely. I have just discovered them and im in love with the idea.
Well, I'll do a deal with you - if the gallery man doesn't like it, I'll hang it in my lounge for everyone to come and have a look at!! OK?!
ok Jan,
what you gonna name your gallery then lol
Gonna have to think long and hard about that one lol. Something to pull the peeps in obviously!!
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